Egypt-U.S. Business Data

Egypt A Regional Trade Hub for the U.S.

Making use of its strategic location, Egypt is a regional hub where U.S. companies can take advantage of a range of preferential trade agreements offering tariff reductions and enabling rules of origin that are otherwise unavailable to U.S. businesses. Most notably, Egypt has preferential access to Europe, Arab countries and Sub-Saharan Africa through the Egypt-European Union Partnership Agreement, the Greater Arab Free Trade area (GAFTA) and the Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA). In addition, Egypt is party to the Agadir Agreement (a free trade agreement between Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia), the EFTA (a free trade agreement with Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland), the Egypt-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement (with Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru) and numerous bilateral trade agreements with individual countries.

Egypt: A Regional Trade Hub for the U.S.